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2010 Newsletter - Update January 12

Winter 2010 Newsletter                                      Vol. 1        No.2              

One Louisiana Justice *    *    *Publisher

This 2010 updates will be posted on January 12, including important information about the year's agenda. 

Spring 2006 Newsletter         April 14-24

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One Louisiana Justice. 
The Justice Foundation began as a blog in May of 2005.  It's statewide counterpart Louisiana Justice Foundation was envisioned in January 2006
Louisiana Justice Group is a support source for the recent and longtime victims traumatized by "Pelican State Justice". 
The Justice Foundation of East Central Louisiana was birthed in July 2005.
Dealing with a so-called Voter Fraud case brought by the Louisiana Attorney General's Office and the Secretary of State's Office in April 2005,  there was no choice but to organize.  After a NAACP La. State meeting in New Roads, La., more concern was brought to bear on the issue of wrongful convictions, wrongful incarcerations,  prosecutorial misconduct and wrongful arrests.
Now that the Katrina exposed injustices have galvanized rights groups against the present prevailing system in Louisiana and New Orleans, the inability of governing authorities to address any of these issues has become evident.  Neither the legislative, executive and certainly not, the judicial branches of governance have addressed the issues.  In the Legislature, there is not one peice of legislation addressing either the judiciaries wrongful convicting practices, or the states attempt to re-create New Orleans void of the exiles.  In other words, the government is perpetrating a forced exilement of citizens of Louisiana, New Orleans and America.
The present system of Justice in Louisiana and consequently America has caused great concern to arise in the hearts and minds of many.  This is very understandable when we look at all, at what is ongoing.  Period.  Judge Arthur Hunter is suggesting releasing pre-Katrina, post-Katrina, and exiled Katrina inmates awaiting trial.  The indigent defense system is unable to address the magnitude of now, backlogged cases.  Office of the Attorney General's Burton Guidry, has said that Hunter cannot  impinge upon lawmakers to force them to rectify the burgeoning situation.
The New Orleans election process is now exposing the evident attempts to lay hold of the opportunity to depopulate New Orleans of "undesirible elements".  No one to my knowledge has said the word yet, but is this class cleansing instead of ethnic cleansing.  Both the same. And just as ugly.  Especially so, when the burgeoning underclass is a creation of the state.  And American society has capitalized of the impoverishments of the people, drowned in the abyss of poverty.
As we all awaken, let's continue to move stronger.                       end................. 
April 24-May 5
The elections in New Orleans left the incumbent and the Lt. Governor in the run-off.
Time will tell who will be the Mayor of "Neuvo/New" New Orleans.  Early voting begins Monday the 8th.  The Louisiana Supreme Court resides in New Orleans and the justice that prevails or doesn't prevail is judged upon all classes.  Whoever becomes the Mayor of New Orleans will do so as the City remains cosmopolitan.
Ray Nagin re-elected Mayor Saturday May 20 2006
Meanwhile, the outcome of the May 3rd appeal in the First Circuit Court of a 349 year, wrongful conviction sentence is critical to many individuals in "similar" circumstances. The First Circuit Court of Appeal is in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
In June 2006 the First Circuit Court of Appeals concurred with the district courts  decision in the case entitled State of Louisiana vs Michael J. Cobb.   In 2007, the Louisiana Supreme Court denied the defendants writ to be heard by the Supreme Court. 
Spring 2007 - The Struggle against Injustice continues.

The Voter Fraud Case in Ferriday, Louisiana prosecuted by the Louisiana Attorney General's Office has an appeal already filed against the conviction of one of the defendants on 1 of 16 counts. The appeal is for a wrongful conviction.  The attorney handling the appeal is Raymond Cannon of Tallulah, Louisiana. 

The Michael Cobb appeal in East Baton Rouge Parish, where Doug Moreau is the DA, will be heard in the 1st Circuit Court of appeals on May 3rd 2006.  Mr. Moreau is rumored to be considering retiring according to an April 7th article in the Baton Rouge Advocate.  Lead Prosecutor in the Cobb Case was mentioned in the Advocate in reference to the Bob Odom Case in which quesition were raised "whether former prosecutor Tony Clayton had the required documentation from the state to handle the [Bob Odom] Case.  Clayton had left the East Baton Rouge District Attorney's Office, but remained on the case at the request of District Attorney Doug Moreau."  Odom's Lawyer Mary Olive Pierson said prosecutors dropped the ball when they spent 14 months arguing whether Clayton was legally able to prosecute the case.

Attorney Mary Olive Pierson is one of the New Orleans attorneys, who was successful in the post-Katrina release of some female inmates, whose rights were being violated, after having been in jail beyond the time for which they were originally arrested.   Thousands of inmates  are held in post-Katrina lockups for various crimes. 
New Orleans Judge Arthur Hunter has suggested that if something isn't done by summer, inmates would be released.  He has already requested documentary reviews from appropriate staff. 
The issues concerning wrongful convictions were championed by Chief Justice Pascal Calogero, last year.  Some states have launched full inquiries to the status of such issues.  Spring 2007 - Chief Justice Pascal Calogero speaking to the Joint Legislature of Louisiana gave no mention of Wrongful Convictions.  The Indigent Defense system in New Orleans has exposed the underbelly of the asp of judicial process in Louisiana.  Meanwhile, State Senator Max Malone has authored a bill seeking to move the state Supreme Court from New Orleans to Baton Rouge, citing the Court's inability to follow the law.  On another legislative front Rep. Daniel Martiny has authored a bill to completely restructure the indigent defense system in Louisiana.

Desperation on Unforgiving Arizona-Mexico Border

May 20, 2006, 1:38PM Utility costs alarm evacuees Lawsuit seeks to extend voucher program, clarify FEMA procedures

Remember, our continuing goal is One Louisiana Justice.

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