
Calendar of Events
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Calendar of Events
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List of events and activities scheduled for the next couple of months.  This page is updated frequently, so check back often to stay up to date.

March 2011
Louisiana Statewide Civil Rights Conference & Forum
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
The 2010-2011 StateWide CRC&F will be held in the Greater Baton Rouge Area.  It is our desire to do so, in this combined fashion because of necessity.  Although, the work is continuing; funding sources are extremely limited.

Arise America

January/February 2011
Praise Pathway Project - January 13, 2011  6pm - Monroe, Louisiana
Call 337.793.3759 for more information

Gulf South Systems for Change

For more information on an event


Prospective members are welcome to learn more about us by attending an event.

1LaJustice * One Louisiana Justice * The Groundswell
Gulf South Systems for Change